One of the absolute roughest side effects of RSD, is insomnia. By definition, insomnia means “prolonged and usually abnormal inability to get enough sleep.” We are in too much pain to even fall asleep sometimes. But when the sandman finally does grace us with his presence (and sleepy dust), it usually does not last for long. Our hypersensitivity sees to that. Turning over in bed, changing the way the sheets and blankets feel against our skin, changing the position of our pajamajams on our bodies is the equivalent of raking fire-hot fork tines up and down the skin. Not to mention the pain that accompanies moving in general. It is one of the most aggravating side effects that all RSDers have in common … and that’s saying something. Even for non-RSDers, insomnia is a debilitating condition … Just remember, anything that negatively affects the “normies,” is amplified in an RSDer. (I get kinda pissy when those normies try to tell me that “everyone has that problem” or “it’s not just you RSDers that are affected.” I KNOW THAT!!! <smh> So what I tell them is, “multiply what you’re feeling by 10, and then we’ll talk.” I am not out to discredit anyone's pain and suffering. I am merely trying to point out what a ’normal’ life is like for an RSDer. But if a normie insists on having a pissing contest with me, I’m gonna verbally kick their sorry asses straight into next week. Unless you know, you don‘t know!!)
Ok, time to break it down … There are 2 types of sleep. REM (rapid eye movement) and NREM (non-rapid eye movement). NREM includes stages 1-4 while REM is solely stage 5. The common misconception is that we sleep chronologically, from stages 1-5. WRONG!! Sleep begins at stage 1, progresses to 2, 3, and 4. After 4, we go back down to 3 and then down to 2 again. REM (stage 5) usually follows stage 2. Stages 2 and 3 are repeated *before* REM begins for the 1st time. Stages 2, 3, and 4 are repeated four or five times throughout the night (cycles).
The Five Stages of Sleep for everyone are:
1) Light Sleep - (lasts for 5-10 minutes) the transition period between wakefulness and sleep. This when the ginormous and speedy alpha waves disappear from our brains and our attention to the outside world is cut off.
2) This is when patterns known as Sleep Spindles and K-Complexes appear in our brain waves - (lasts for approx. 20 minutes) This stage can only be measured in the form of EEG (Electroencephalograms). This is also where our restless sleep occurs.
3) Slow, large brain waves known as Delta Waves begin to emerge and the neuron dance of sleep begins. Our neurons are ‘at rest’ but fire rhythmically and methodically. This is the transitional period between light sleep and deep sleep. (this is also where the night sweats creep in ... just so ya know)
4) Delta Sleep - This is the deepest stage of sleep for us humans, when we are most resistant to waking. (3 and 4 last approx. 30 minutes) This deep sleep is courtesy of very slow brain waves. (this is where bedwetting and sleepwalking happen)
5) REM Sleep - Rapid Eye Movement. This is where the dreaming occurs. Our respiration rate and brain activities increase. It is also referred to as “paradoxical sleep”. Our brains and other body systems become more active while our muscles become more relaxed. We dream because of increased brain activity, but this also paralyzes our voluntary muscles. (REM sleep last from 2-30 minutes.)
So then this is what my brain says the averages are …
Normies- 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 3, 5, 3, 2, 5, 3, 2, 1, awake
RSDers- awake, 1, 2, 3, awake, 1, 2, awake, 1, 2, awake, give up, make coffee
Back to the neuron thing for a minute … remember a few blogs ago when I told you about the pain killers blocking the receptors and causing the need to grow more so that messages can continue to travel … then there are more receptors to fill with the next dose of pk’s … and then more of them need to grow to receive the messages … and so on and so on … Now, go re-read about Stage 3. Those neurons may be doing the ‘at rest dance’ but that is still a hella lotta dancin' going on in our RSD brains.
Do you understand now why I am so excited about dreaming??? Bad thing is tho, with etch-a-sketch brain, I can’t hang on to the dream for long … unless I write it down … guess what I’m gonna go do now!!
Keep the faith!! Dreams happen!!
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