My favorite part of the Christmas season … drum roll please … FACES!!! It’s that time of year when all of my favorite faces start finding their way ‘home.’ Whether it’s for a weekend, a night, or a week, guests start checking in to The Chalet tomorrow!!
What makes this even better is that by focusing on the upcoming events of this weekend, I am able to fight through the pain and the cold. Sure, I feel the discomfort of it all, but my great mood is overriding the pain. How cool is that???
There are absolutely no words to describe my excitement today!! Even the Happy Butt Dance doesn’t seem to express my enthusiasm. (I know, right??) So I wrote a poem. I hope this sums it all up for you.
‘Twas 3 weeks before Christmas, when all through The Chalet
Everything was stirring, cuz my friends are coming “YAY”!!
The stockings were hung from the hooks on a shelf
No one helped me, I did it myself.
The doggie was nestled in her mommie’s big chair
Dreaming and twitching and shedding a ton of hair.
And me in my pj’s with coffee in hand
Had just started fantasizing about palm trees and sand.
When out on the street there arose such a rattle
Beating the dog to the window?? Yep, it’s a battle.
The whining and yelping and howling and barking
And whomever was here had only started parking.
The wailing continued, you’d think her abused
The drapes and the blinds and the couch were all fused.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But my CaliAngel, her rental and a bag full of gear.
I threw open the door and before I could blink
The dog bolted passed me and I spilled my drink.
Three minutes later they crossed the threshold
My body was frozen cuz it’s so gosh darn cold.
I thawed and we hugged and I ran to the phone
To tell masses that our girl had come home.
We texted ColoAngel and said “let’s begin”
She and Bosley showed up with a bottle of zin.
“Oh no no no,” I said with a start
“We must go now. It’s time to depart.”
To b-dub-dub we went, the crew was all there
The tall one, the short one and the one with red hair.
We talked, we danced, we ate and we schmoozed
I had my coffee and they had their booze
The waitress came over and said (with some fear)
“You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here.”
Back to The Chalet I drove all the drunks
Singing Christmas carols, tis the season. (I know, whoda thunk??)
So I say to you now with all the love in my heart
If I’m not here on Monday, check the hospital. Check my chart.
Have a GREAT weekend y’all … I have faith that I will!! (I’m gonna go clean my bathroom now. Even that ugly chore can‘t squelch my good mood!!)
That poem is AWSOME!!!