Raising Awareness for RSD (and Ziggi's)

Raising Awareness for RSD (and Ziggi's)
The Power of Orange

Monday, December 5, 2011

A Perceiver's Ponderous Probes

Good and bad, I’m getting responses to my blog!!  YAY!!  Keep ‘em coming!!  ALL of ‘em!! I love love love it!!  (havefaith_91@hotmail.com)  There have been “thank you’s,” suggestions, questions, and yes, even a couple condemnations.  I thought I’d take this opportunity to address a not-so-happy email that I received after writing “Regrouping After a Bad Day.”  I kept the spelling and grammar as is, and gave this person an anonymous name … but I did stalk his hometown for you!! ;)



You have alot of nerve talking about religion.  Not everyone beliefs in god.  You keep talking about faith but what about CRPS/RSD people who don’t belief in your god or don’t know if they belief in any god?  I want to keep reading but I don’t want to keep reading about god.  

Some Dude in Austin


Dear Some Dude,

First things first …  Jenn is spelled with two N’s, not one; “a lot” is two words, not 1; “beliefs” is a noun, “believe” is a verb.  …And thanks for the chuckle!!  

The other day when I touched on my spirituality, I told you that I believe in God, Jesus Christ, Angels and Archangels, The Great Spirit, The Four Winds, the power of the universe, Mother Earth and myself.   I do not recall telling you to believe in them as well or even telling you that what I believe is “right.”  It's just what I believe.

I need hope and strength in my life is this where I get them.  If you can gather strength and hope from a lamp post or a doorknob that’s great.  Do it.  More power to you.  … I cannot.

I often talk about having to keep my faith and hopes alive … and encouraging y’all to do the same.  I’m not saying that you should glom on to each and every one of my entities.  I’m not saying that my beliefs are the correct ones, or that there is a correct one.  I’m not saying that you should convert to any particular religion.  I’m not even advocating any particular religion or belief.  I am saying that this is what I believe; this is what works for me; and this is how I live my life and fight my RSD.  Here’s the deal, I have friends and family (RSDers and normies alike) who are Christian - Catholic, Protestant and Non-Denominational, Jewish, Agnostic, Atheist, Traditional, Druid, Pagan and Wicca.  I have love and respect for each and every one of them.  I do not push my beliefs onto any of them, but I do stand firm on what I believe.  I am open minded and always willing to listen to and discuss someone else’s point of view but it doesn’t mean that I’m going to agree with them 100% … or even 10%.

If you want to believe that that lamp post or doorknob can ease your pain riddled body or troubled mind, those are your beliefs. My faith is the sum of my beliefs.  It is what I feel in my heart and it is what radiates from my soul.  I am not me if I do not have my faith.  It is the one absolute that can never be taken from me.  It gives me courage and strength to keep moving and fighting.  Faith is not religion.  It is spirituality.

So, Some Dude, I will ask you now, what do you believe in??  What gives you strength and hope and courage to fight your RSD??

Very Truly Yours,

Faith is not easy to have, get or maintain.  Faith is not for everybody.  For me, my faith is what will see me thru each day and it is what will tuck me in every night.  So this is me ... keeping the faith.


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