Raising Awareness for RSD (and Ziggi's)

Raising Awareness for RSD (and Ziggi's)
The Power of Orange

Monday, June 18, 2012

I'm Baaaaaack!!!

What a great weekend!!  Reaching the luminous end of the dark tunnel of the funk, a night out with some of my favorites, a celebration of Dad's Day, less temperamental weather, and a good book ... um ... series.  This may sound trivial to some, but to an RSDer, escaping the grips of depression is an endless battle.  We have to have the will to get ourselves away from the despair before we can fight it's grips ... and that takes every spoon in our arsenal.  It's tiring, to say the least, but the relief that I feel right now, almost makes last week a distant memory!

The last tell-tale sign of the passing of the funk was my ability to pick up a book and become submerged in it.  After having had this pointed out to me by my Dad because of course I was oblivious at the time, the 2nd week in June, as spring ends and summer begins, I get all wonky.  Every year since my divorce. (probably because our anniversary was the 14th but that's pure speculation on my part because I don't miss anything about being married to him.  I don't hate him, but I don't miss him either.)  Anyway, I get wonky until I dive into a novel.  The 1st summer it was the Harry Potter series.  All 7 books in 2 months.  The year after that it was the Twilight series.  3 books in 2 months and waiting impatiently for #4 to be released.  I finished that one in 3 days.  Last summer I began reading the Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare.  3 books in less than 2 months.  This year, Ms Clare has graciously provided the literary world with a 2nd part to the series.  I have put off starting this series because a) the third in the trilogy doesn't come out until November, and b) I know that I will get lost between the pages until I've finished it.  I cannot seem to want to books down, especially when I get to the parts where characters from the prequels make their appearances.  (Magnus Bane ... yeah baby!!  I mean really, who doesn't love a hunky, sarcastic warlock, right?)  I started the book Saturday afternoon and I am already over halfway through it.  At this rate I should finish it by tomorrow at the latest.  

Here's the kicker ... my pain is back down, my anxiety is stuffed back into far corners of my brain, and my imagination is back.  I can think into the future again.  I can make plans.  Shoot, I even told the Bombshell that I would babysit solo for the Munchkins on the 4th of July!!  And I'm also starting to plan for what I affectionately refer to as Woodstock of the Front Range ... complete with camping!!  Hopefully I'll be up to that challenge by then!!  But ... the funk is over!!!

I have faith that life has returned to my world.  I have faith that, through reading, I can reignite my passion for writing and might actually get something finished this year.  I have faith that I will still have a bad day every now and then but the transition into summer has officially begun!!  See??  Give me just a little time to get through whatever it is that I need to get through and the real me comes back out to play!!  ... ok, I'm done now.  Time to get back to my book!!

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