Yes, it's another Rocky and Bullwinkle title today because this is Day 5 of our 100+ temperatures in good ol' fiery Colorado. It's kind of a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" scenario at my house. I love the heat, albeit a little excessive, and the low humidity has really helped with the pain ... well, until this last Sunday that is. I'm ok with running my little window a/c unit for 3-4 hours a day during the most brutal hours of the day, but having to turn it on by 9 in the morning and running it all day long and into the night is not only cutting into my pocketbook with an astronomical electric bill, but it has also orchestrated dueling banjos in my legs.
At 8 p.m. last night it was 91* outside, 80* in my house (with the a/c on) and I had a blanket over my legs. I wasn't even in direct line of the a/c vent. The nerves in my legs felt like they had severed from each other and were flopping around like a juiced up downed electrical power-lines with the way the were zapping my muscles and skin and other nerves and my bones and my tendons and whatever else was in their way. Fortunately I haven't lost my leg strength, but whatever this dance is that I do when the electrical jolts make contact must be hysterical!! (Houdini thinks it's funny anyway ... and I can't blame him for it.) This is why I don't stay in central air locations for very long this time of year. ie: department stores, grocery stores, the Bombshell's house, Ziggi's, in the car with Mom or Dad ... you get my drift. I know what cold air does to my body so I have to have "cool-ish" air in order to withstand the heat. Even on Energy Saver, because of the insane temp outside, my a/c is running non-stop just to stay on/near 78*. But what can I do about it?? Not a gosh darn thing!! If I turn my a/c off, it'll be 100+ in my house in less than hour and I'll have to go outside to cool off. Besides, I wouldn't do that to Kiva who has to wear her thick mohair sweater 24/7/365. I did get her skirted tho and I can tell that it helps. Instead of her crazy sleeping positions, she's been stretched out, belly down.
In all honesty, there is nothing that I, nor anyone else, can do about the dueling banjos. Meds are worthless for it, there is no salve or cream that can stop it, and i refuse to turn off the a/c. So I must deal with it. Period. Scantily clad with a light throw blanket over my legs, iced coffee in hand, and keen wit on the tip of my tongue are my tools for this battle. Fighting RSD is neverending. There are only bad days, better days, good days, and days when all I can say is "WTF"!!! (sorry Mom, but you've witnessed it!!) The last 3 days have been a combo of Better and WTF!! Seriously though, if I wasn't already crazy, these dueling banjo moments would send me over the edge and directly into the care of the Psych Ward ... complete with central air!!!
So I will continue to go on, as always. I have faith that these Colorado temps will ease later in the week. I have faith that I will continue to seek solace out of the direct line of a/c vents. I have faith that, although this will force me into a form of solitude, I will have company. Whether it's Houdini or my Mom or a friend stopping by to help keep my brain occupied and distracted for a bit, I will have company to amuse with my antics. This too shall pass ... and when it does, look out!!!! The Crazy Cripple will, once again, wreak havoc in Longmont!!! BWAHAHAHAHA
You give new meaning to the request my grandma always used to ask of me, "Excuse me, but can I switch places with you, I have a draft." Of course you can grandma, and so can you Jenn.