Raising Awareness for RSD (and Ziggi's)

Raising Awareness for RSD (and Ziggi's)
The Power of Orange

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Dear Dr Oz...Love, Kiva

Dear Dr. Oz,

My name is Kiva.  I am a 5 year old Sheagle (German Shepherd/Beagle) that is proud to call 1 of over 1 million Americans diagnosed with RSD, "Mommie."  On June 1, 2012, at the age of 43, she will celebrate (yes, celebrate!!) her 21st anniversary with RSD.  I have only been taking care of her for the last 4.5 years, but I know her story like I know the bottom of my food bowl.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for finally giving RSD some recognition via mainstream media ... but, I must tell you that in all of our time together, I have not seen my Mommie as emotionally torn as she has been since she watched your episode with Paula Abdul.

My Mommie actually cried when Paula first said those three little letters that she has longed to hear on tv for so many years, RSD.  I hear her rant every time a commercial comes on talking about Fibromyalgia, Crohn's, Autism, Depression, etc.  She hangs her head and asks, "Where's ours?  Who's going to speak out for US?"  And you, you wonderful man, you were the one to give RSD a voice!  But ... Mommie says that, just like with Jack in Mr. Mom, you're intentions are commendable but ... you're doing it wrong.

I feel the need to inform you that when Paula talked about putting ice on her neck/back, my Mommie cringed and gasped and her exact words words were, "Oh hell no!"  My Mommie is friends with numerous other RSDers and neither she, nor the ones that she knows, can use ice.  It sends them into a full flare ... and on 2 occasions, ice is what caused my Mommie's RSD to spread to other appendages.  Personally, I liked the blue, red, and yellow lighty thingys that you used, and Mommie said that she liked that visual too.  You did an excellent job showing how the nerves don't let go of the pain ... ever.  My Mommie went through rigorous physical therapies and has had over 500 nerve blocks in her 20+ year battle.  She was a college student, a waitress/bartender, an athlete and an aspiring model when she got her right thumb slammed in a refrigerator door and yanked it out.  She did receive an early diagnosis, but her stubborn 22 yr old jock-brain told her to keep living as she had been.  Now she has RSD from her neck to her toes.  You never talked about how RSD can spread to other parts of the body, including internal organs.  Mommie feels that you made Paula seem like the "norm" when there is no "norm" for RSD.  A healthy diet is great to aid in finding balance with RSD but it is not a cure.  You didn't explain how RSD is an "invisible illness."  You didn't mention that there is no known cure.  You touched on skin sensitivity, but you bear-hugged Paula, which sends the wrong message to those without RSD that RSDers can  be hugged and touched like that, when in reality, they cannot!!  My Mommie can't even shake paws with me without feeling an increase of pain.  You also failed to mention that RSD can cause skin discoloration and abnormal swelling, as well as spasms, tremors, and temperature changes.  You also failed to try to give Ketamine a good name.  Most RSDers that have tried some form of Ketamine treatment, either through nerve blocks and nasal sprays (like my Mommie), or infusions, or induced comas, have received a certain amount of relief from the drug.  You also omitted that depression goes paw-in-paw with RSD.  You didn't touch on the fact that some people lose all hope with RSD and commit suicide.

But, as Mommie says, it's a start!!  Much like taking the stem out of an apple before you peel, core, eat and digest the apple, it's a start!!  Please Dr. Oz, please, please, puh-leeeeease do a follow-up show that explains RSD better to the people who are unfamiliar with it.  Mommie thinks that you could leave out the Simon Cowell banter too.  Feel free to take a look back at all of the blogs that Mommie and I have written, because we take on all sides of the disease and try to explain to the Normies what living with RSD is like.

Mommie and I have faith that, even you refuse to do a follow-up show, we will continue to provide awareness for the masses whenever and wherever possible.  We've made it this long without any help, we can keep going without it ... but your help would make it MUCH easier to get the word out.  Thank you again for bringing RSD into the light of day.  It is a start!!  


  1. Thank you Jen! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  2. Love it!! Couldn't have said it better myself! Out of the mouths of babes or pups in this case!! <3
