Raising Awareness for RSD (and Ziggi's)

Raising Awareness for RSD (and Ziggi's)
The Power of Orange

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Temporarily Volunteering for Pertinacious Displacement

In other words, despite my health issues and nasty hatred for the Skank and her damn winter, I have willingly relocated myself for the express purpose of doing something for a brief period of time.  What is that “something,” you ask?   I am attempting the re-accumulation of implements consisting of a shallow, small oval on a long handle … aka … spoons.

Man, I love using big words … eh, let’s go with I just love to use words … period!!  For me, it’s not a snotty, snooty, contemptuous, self-promoting, over-educated, or pompous thing.  I simply love words!!  When they are used correctly, they can reveal the innermost workings of the most complex individual; they can provide the sentences for a great story; they convey a certain level of conscious intelligence; they separate us from the Neanderthals;  they comfort; they inform; they provide us with the most common means of communication; and, for those of us who can’t always use our bodies, they are our actions.

But not all words are used in a positive manner.  Some words can hurt, whether used with intent and malice, or even worse,  unintentionally.  Sadly, most people don’t pay much attention to the words that they use, so they are never conscious of the damage that they may or may not cause.  As for me, I hear the words, I know the meanings of the words, and I take these words at their meaning.  The only exception here is the use of sarcasm, but there's more of a tonal quality to it.  And I, for one, find it freaking hilarious when someone tries to be sarcastic and uses a specific word, thinking that they’re giving their statement emphasis, only to realize that they obviously do not know the meaning of the word they have just used or it's context.   (Why must I find ignorance amusing?)

I also love to make up words and coin phrases (Jennisms) that can accurately describe and/or emphasize my intended meanings, such as: Cripplympics, sofa surf board, Bodieland, and battle-picker, just to name a few.  This love of words is also why I name places and things.  Places like the Chalet, the Ranch, the Country Estate, the Happiest Place on Earth, and the Oasis have all gotten their names because I have developed some kind of emotional tie to the place.  Saying “so-and-so’s house” just sounds too impersonal and blechy to me.  Things like “Bertha” and the “Buttmobile” are just fun to name.  I have no real reason for that part of my obsession.  … hmmmm … anyway …

You’re probably asking, “What in the sam-hill-heck do words have to do with spoons?”  Am I right?  Well, lemme ‘splain …

A few months ago I was shown an article that was written by a young woman with Lupus.  (Lupus, although  having numerous differences, is like RSD in that it is a chronic pain/auto-immune disease.)  I have never been able to use my own words to accurately describe what it is like for us RSDers to get through each and every day.  I have merely referred to myself as a “battle-picker” and left it at that, thinking that there was no real way to convey what it’s like.  This woman has given my daily tasks and chores a name … Spoons.  If you are an RSDer, a caregiver, or a loved one, please … please, please, please, please take a few minutes to read her story at http://www.butyoudontlooksick.com/articles/written-by-christine/the-spoon-theory-written-by-christine-miserandino/.  I promise that you won’t be sorry and maybe you’ll even gain a little more insight into how we are able to actually do the things that we do!!

Since the Skank took my last one, I have faith that I will re-establish my spoon collection while hibernating at the Oasis for a few days.  Meanwhile, I will continue to use my love of words to spread awareness for RSD, because words give my imagination a pain-free outlet of expression.  ;)  

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