Raising Awareness for RSD (and Ziggi's)

Raising Awareness for RSD (and Ziggi's)
The Power of Orange

Monday, February 6, 2012

Kiva Samson, reporting Live from the Chalet

Hi Ho!!  Kiva the Dawg here!!  You missed me, didn’t you?  Mommie thought that you might, so today she gave me a choice … 1) write the blog … or 2) write the blog well.  Since I know for a fact that she is the Grammar Nazi, I will be the genius mutt that I am and choose “2.”

Not that I care about it too much, but Mommie didn‘t get to go on her trip to see Auntie CaliAngel.  I was all set to receive Princess Kiva treatment from our Team for the whole weekend and I was excited!!  I really really like him.  I was gonna go to work for a day.  I was gonna go to the Oasis for a retreat.  I was gonna go to Unca D and Auntie C’s to eat human food.  And then I was gonna welcome my Mommie home with hugs and kisses and yelps and Beagle bays.  Yes, I would have missed her, but not quite so much this time.  And now, the point is moot.  (Yes, I'm a dog and I said “moot” … got a problem with it?  I didn’t think so!!)  It snowed a lot a lot on Thursday night and Mommie began to worry that she wouldn’t be able to go away.  (Mommie said there was over a foot of snow, so yes, I used “a lot” twice)  Something else happened that night too and I’m not entirely sure what it was.  All I know is that, for the time being, everything is ok, but those 2 things kept my Mommie home with our Team and me!! 

On Friday, I kept hearing the words “snow day” which, for me, meant “stay warm, dry, and home.”  Mommie did leave for a little bit and I got to take a nap with our Team in the big, brown, comfy chair.  Then she reappeared with Unca Houdini (oh how I’ve missed him!!) and I got hugs and belly rubs from him.  Mommie and our Team decided that we could still go to the Oasis for a retreat, so they packed up the car, loaded me up into the backseat and we went for a … wait for it … wait for it … wait for it … a drive!!!  I must be the luckiest dog alive, I’m telling ya!!  Cuz then yesterday, we still got go to Unca D and Auntie C’s for human food!! … and some strange movie where all of these really big, scary men with round hats kept hitting each other.   We came home to the Chalet with full bellies and leftover food (I hope I get some more human food today).

But Mommie doesn’t feel well this morning, I can tell.  I don’t think she was feeling too hot when we got home last night either.  She says it’s just “the normal stuff” but I don’t like “the normal stuff.”  After four years with my Mommie, I know that the “normal stuff” means that she hurts pretty bad.  Especially when she has to get out of bed at 3:30 in the morning because her body can’t handle the pressure and weight of the covers.  I followed her to the wetroom and saw her take the Cat-of-mine nose spray stuff from the little cupboard with the mirror on it.  That's how I know that she’s not doing too good.  She always cusses right before she sprays it up her nose, too.  I’m not sure what she says, but I know that her Mommie wouldn’t like it at all, because she always says “Sorry Mom” as soon as she’s done.   It must make her feel better though, because she was able to put on her pink robe and she stopped walking around like a creepy movie monster and started moving around like the little old ladies that I like to bark at as they walk their snacks-on-a-leash in front of the Chalet.  I only want her to feel better.  I want this RSD stuff to leave her alone.  I don't like seeing my Mommie like this ... and neither does our Team.

Well, I should probably go check on my humans now.  Mommie is sofa surfing, our Team is in Bodieland and I need to go position myself so that I can keep an eye on both of them.  I’m the dog.  That’s my job!!

I have faith (yes, even a canine can have faith, trust me!!) that Mommie will feel better later.  But if, by chance, she doesn’t, I have faith that I will take care of her to the best of my ability today until our Team gets done with work and can come take over for me.  I will kiss and hug and cuddle with her.  I will watch documentary movies with her so that her brain remains stimulated even though it hurts to move her body.  I will force her to take baby steps to the back door to let me outside so that she can keep moving and not stiffen up.  And, hopefully, I can get her to “nap” and not just “rest.”   She still has faith too … after all, she IS my Mommie!!

If you would like further information about how you can help yourself to understand more regarding how to deal with someone with chronic pain, like my Mommie and her RSD, go to:

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