Raising Awareness for RSD (and Ziggi's)

Raising Awareness for RSD (and Ziggi's)
The Power of Orange

Friday, January 20, 2012

Viewer Mail ... Oh Really?????

Dear Jenn,

I think it's great when you're having your "good pain days" but I think we all get more out of your writings when you're bitching because you're funnier and more informative when you're frustrated.  You have a way of putting things that I/we can use and adapt into our own lives.  It's not that I/we want you to have to bitch, but I think that we get more out of your blog when you do.

Thank you for all that you do for all of us.
Bumblehead in Boston ...

(I had to rename this person.  They originally signed the email, "Bitchy in Boston" ... I prefer "Bumblehead" for the schmoes that can't see the silver lining from behind their pill-bottle-colored-glasses.)


Dear Bumblehead,

Are you kidding me???  Allow me to rephrase that ... Are you effing kidding me???  I appreciate the fact that you can commiserate with the "good" and "bad" days, but what the hell is the purpose of bitching all of the time??  It makes me and the people around me cranky!!  The things that cause me to gripe and complain are are the things that exacerbate my pain levels and I have made the conscious choice to fight, with everything inside of me, to not give in to those "bad pain days."  Of course there will be days when I just simply don't have the strength to fight and those are the days that I give myself permission to stay in bed.  Otherwise, I'm up and out of bed, every day, between 4-6 a.m. without an alarm clock (other than my body).  What I am trying to do here is bring hope to the other sufferers and awareness to the normies.  I am not a bitcher by nature ... Nor do I enjoy whining ...  Because both of those breed sympathy from everyone in my immediate vicinity.  If you have been following my blog, then you should know exactly how I feel about sympathy as well as pity.  Congratulations, Bumblehead!!  You are my only reason for bitching today ... and my area is expecting 80+ mile per hour winds this afternoon!!

I have faith that you will see that I choose to fight my pain with warped humor and a Pollyanna-esque attitude, because ... I've been miserable ... and I don't like it!!  I don't want to bitch!!  Life's too short for that!!  I have faith that I will beat this dis-ease, even if it's by the skin of my teeth!!  And I would love for you to jump on this bandwagon with me!! 

the crazy cripple

3 DAY LEFT UNTIL THE 2ND ANNUAL CRAZY SOCK DAY!!!!  Yesterday I went out and picked up 2 three-packs, 2 two-packs, and 4 single pairs of socks for the auction that starts on CSD2!!  If you need the info again ... here it is ...

 How else can you help support the 2nd Annual Crazy Socks Day and 12 year old RSDer, Melanie?

While out shopping for your own crazy socks to wear on January 24, 2012, purchase an extra pair or 2!!  Send Laurie (her mom) or Jenn (me) a picture(s) of the un-worn socks along with the size and value.  (lad4587@gmail.com or havefaith_91@yahoo.com)  Spirit Sparkplugs will host an online auction for all of them and forward you the winning bidder’s information so that you can send the socks directly to the winner.  This will cost you the price of the socks and shipping.  The proceeds for this auction will go Spirit Sparkplugs in Melanie’s name.  The auction will close at the end of January 2012.

For more information about the non-profit organization, Spirit Sparkplugs, visit www.spiritsparkplugs.com.  They are committed to helping children who face medical difficulties around the world.


  1. Normy checking in: You are to RSD/CRPS what Sam Kinison was to marriage. I'm pissed my twelve year old niece has to live with RSD/CRPS, and all the complications that go with it. The two most enjoyable things a person can experience, eating and a BM, she cannot do without struggling through pain. When I am tired of praying for her, I get mad. Thank you for the insight into her world when she gets older.

    1. anthony, that 12 year old niece of yours and i have WAY too much in common, but at the same time, i am grateful that she was placed in my life. fighting for her (and other children like her) are what spur me forward!! and i absolutely LOVE the sam kinison comparison!!!! haha ... thanks for being such an awesome normy!! :)
