Raising Awareness for RSD (and Ziggi's)

Raising Awareness for RSD (and Ziggi's)
The Power of Orange

Monday, January 16, 2012

A Brand New Day

I had to use my Ketamine nasal spray last night and I’m not happy about it.  I spent way too many years in a narcotic induced fog … to the point where it just has zero appeal to me anymore.  I do understand and accept that there will be times in my RSDism where I have to use the heavy drugs, but that doesn’t mean that I have to like it.  It’s all about fighting the good fight, whatever it takes, and never ever ever giving up!!  And “tomorrow” is always a new day!!  Pain is something with which every person in the world is familiar.  It is all part of the balance of life.  Without pain, there is no pleasure because we have nothing to which we can compare it.  Today’s pleasure is brought to you courtesy of last night’s pain.  I awoke still fuzzy in the brain but knew I could count on Bertha to clear those cobwebs.  (Bertha = my coffeemaker, in case you forgot)  However, I was so distracted by the pain and the drugs last night, that I forgot to set her up and press the timer.  I really don’t like having to wait those 5 excruciating minutes while that 1st cup of tar percolates.   But my 2nd pot is brewing now and spurring me into action for the day!!  God bless caffeine and all she has to offer!!

Today begins crunch-time for the 2nd Annual Crazy Sock Day.  8 days to go and I have just finish writing press releases for my local newspaper as well for the local paper of the Penguin and Warrior Mama in Florida.  I love RSD awareness events!!  They motivate me more than anything else on the planet.  Surprising, no?  More than my family, more than my friends, more than Kiva.  Informing the world of this devastating "dis-ease" is paramount to me.  Of course I want a cure too, but there won’t be a cure until the awareness is out there.  Everyone has heard of cancer, diabetes, MS, muscular dystrophy, fibromyalgia, Chrone’s disease, autism, and the list goes on because there are … wait for it … television commercials to help identify the diseases!!  But for RSD/CRPS there is nothing!!!  *NOTHING*!!!  And according to doctors and the McGill Pain Index, RSD is more painful than all of them!!  There are YouTube videos galore about RSD but nothing has gone mainstream and I have made it my mission to change that.  (if you look to your right on my blog page, you’ll see video links.  The picture of the young woman holding a handwritten card is the most helpful vid I’ve watched so far.)  But we need to get out there and put it in people’s faces.  I cannot do this alone and I welcome any and all help from my fellow RSDers as well as my normy friends.

How can YOU help spread awareness with me??  Message me on Facebook, email me at havefaith_91@yahoo.com, find me on Twitter @painbedamned.  Let’s start 2012 with recruiting every person we know to wear crazy socks on January 24.  If you’re a teacher, make it a classroom event.  (Houdini is!!)  If you’re a boss, make it mandatory for your employees (my dad is!!).  If you’re in public service, make sure everyone you come into contact with notices your socks (1 of my cop-friends is!!).  Make sure everyone knows that you’re doing it for 12 year old Melanie and RSDers everywhere around the world.  Make it a statement!!!!!!!!!  Raise awareness!!!!!

I have faith that CSD2 will be bigger and better than last year’s event!!  I will make it happen.  I also have faith that each and every one of you will help me too!!  WHATEVER IT TAKES, y’all!!  Let’s do this!!


  1. Jenn!!! We LOVE you BIG TIME!!!!!!!!

  2. Normy checking in to say I am on board for Crazy Sock Day. I may not drink coffee, but the Dew does a pretty good job giving my brain cells the caffeine they need to spread awareness of RSD/CRPS. Does Melanie want us to post pictures of our socks on January 24?

  3. Cripple checking back in to say "YOU ROCK, DUDE!!" The same motto "whatever it takes" also applies to caffeine, anthony!! i'm a full-on supporter!! yes, please post your pics to facebook and tag laurie dickens and myself (jennifer samson). we'll make sure that they get where they need to go be seen by ALL!! I LOVE TEAMWORK!! WOOT!!

    and laurie, me loves "we" BIG TIME tooooooo!! ;)

  4. I'm in on this too !! I will get all my friends and family to do this anything for RSD awareness!!!!!!

    1. Thank you so much, Cor!!! We LOVE joiners!!!! :D
