Raising Awareness for RSD (and Ziggi's)

Raising Awareness for RSD (and Ziggi's)
The Power of Orange

Friday, April 20, 2012

The K-Hole

Just a quick update ... I (yes, this is Jenn, the human, this time) took Kiva's advice and called my anesthesiologist this morning to try to get my nerve blocks done early next week instead of waiting 3 more weeks for my already scheduled series.  My doc called me right back and said, "It's either your regular one or I can do it today at 2, because I leave for a 2 week vacation tomorrow."

SO ... instead of having a few days to get used to the thought of massive amounts ketamine dragging me down into the depths of the "K-Hole," I get an hour to wrap my head around it.  But there are good things at work here: 1) at least I called today instead of waiting until next week.  I would have been traumatized to learn that he was gone for another 2 weeks.  2) the added pain and nausea will soon be history.  3) it's supposed to be in the 70's and 80's this weekend and I can recover from the side effects while tanning my pasty white....  4) my Mom, my Team, ColoAngel, and Karma will be around to help me if I need it and to look after Kiva for me.

Even the strongest of us need help.  I have faith that, after a few days of recovery, I will be well above par and ready to face summer with a smile!!  I have faith that my doc will do his thing that he's been doing for over 20 yrs and will make me feel better.  I have faith that my anxiety level will skyrocket, right along with my heart rate, as I try to find my happy-place before the K-Hole finds me!!  Hang tough, RSDers!!  We all have our fears and trepidations!!

1 comment:

  1. I was just wondering if you could post the name of the dr. that you see for the ketamine and also maybe elaborate on the nerve blocks. I've had nerve blocks and ketamine infusions but not both at the same time.
