Raising Awareness for RSD (and Ziggi's)

Raising Awareness for RSD (and Ziggi's)
The Power of Orange

Monday, April 30, 2012

Creating A Day

I think (no wait, don't go running for the fire extinguisher yet!!) that I want to create some type of public participation festival for my RSD anniversary this year.  The 1st 20 anniversaries of June 1 were pretty quiet even though there was always a reason for me to celebrate.  Last year's anniversary has inspired me to take my public and private celebrations to a new level this year.

The private celebration will be forever known as fuRSDday.  CaliAngel, ColoAngel, Bosley, and I started it last year on my 20th anniversary and that friggin night will live in infamy!!  HAHA!!  It was a full night of laughter and constant middle finger salutes.  Every toast was "EFF YOU RSD!!"  This year there are more willing participants and it has been suggested that we make a camping trip out of it up in the mountains.  The committee in my head is still consulting on that one.  I think that as long as it doesn't hurt me to get up there, they'll acquiesce.  It takes a lot for me to able to camp, so I'll have to make sure that I have everything I'll need ... an air mattress, bubble wrap suit, harness, tow strap, appropriate layers for the 3 possible seasons that we're likely to experience, 1 case of Folgers, 5 gallons of Coffeemate, ketamine nasal spray, lidocaine cream, Benadryl (pills and lotion) ... you get the picture.

In January, we have Crazy Sock Day for the Penguin.  In April, we all go for ice cream to show support for The Big T's Iscream Day.  Since just about every single one of my blogs refers to Kiva in one way or another, I would like to have everyone put an orange bandanna on their pet to help me celebrate FUR'RSDday.  Take a picture, post it to Facebook, and tag me.  I could not be the survivor and fighter that I am without the constant love, support, adoration, slobber, and manipulation of my wonderful dog.  As I have no children of my own (thank you RSD) she is my world!!  But I need feedback!!  Is this a good idea??  Bandannas are cheap, we can bling them out ourselves, if we want to.  It could be another way of spreading awareness for RSDers too.  I mean really, who doesn't notice bright orange walking down the street??  I just spoke with My Team about it and he liked the idea!!  (but then again, he likes me, so I'm not quite sure about his tastes!!  tee hee ... i am SO kidding!!)  BUT ... should I put this FUR'RSDday plan into action??

Meanwhile, I am still awaiting the arrival of my Social Security check, now 6 days late.  If it's not here again today, I will call the Mad Cow back and show her just how Creative Cussing really works ... maybe ... i dunno ... I might handle it like an adult.  It could happen.  I have faith that I will accept the situation, whatever the status of my check.  I have faith that I will find a way to celebrate my RSD anniversary with my friends all over the world.  I have faith that whatever the private celebration will be, it will be nothing short of hysterically entertaining. 

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