Raising Awareness for RSD (and Ziggi's)

Raising Awareness for RSD (and Ziggi's)
The Power of Orange

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Haters Beware/Animals Unite

Mommie was all prepared to write her own blog today.  She was going to share some more of her quips and retorts to the many questions and digs that people with an invisible illness are forced to endure ... until she saw a FB group entitled "group to revoke handicap parking permits."  Now my Mommie is fuming!!  She can't sit still; she tried shadow boxing the wall only to stop herself before she made actual contact.  She started throwing the clean, rolled socks at the windows; she miscounted her coffee scoops and wound up with a full pot of weak tea; and she strung cuss words together like my poor canine ears have never heard (and I hear her cuss a lot, under her breath of course).  Now she says that she has heartburn ... duh Mommie!!!

I am leading a crusade for all animals of handicapped individuals.  If we bite enough ankles and knees and privates, these morons will know what it's like to need the placards and the kindness and understanding of others.  Psycho kitties, fellow deranged doggies, slimy snakes, rapidly reproducing rabbits, leaping lizards, fizzy fishies, fuzzy llamas, hippy horsies, hippopotomuseses, senseless ferrets, colorful angry birdies, germinating gerbils, hopped-up hamsters, spiders ... you're on your own, teutonic turtles (Mommie has followers in Germany), guinea pigs with gumption, fastidious frogs, malicious mules, hungry goats, sonic-al hedgehogs, and all mischievous marsupials ... We must unite against the haters and fight for the rights of our families!!  They fight for us, they adopt us, they love us, they raise money for our brothers and sisters who have not yet been adopted.  Come on, y'all, we've got some booties to bite!! 

Uh oh ... Mommie just turned on her iTunes playlist entitled "Fight It."  If the other signs weren't enough, this is the moment when I know she's irked!!  I'd better go make her lie down or she's gonna waste her good spoons on ignorant people ... and that will just make her more mad.  If you would like to help report this "page" and these "people" for violating the "no haters" clause on FB, go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/97396080626/members/ ... on the top right of the page there's a little wheely looking thing next to the "ask to join group" button ... click on it, check "hate speech," check the box that describes people with disabilities.  Thanks!!

I have faith that this will only fuel Mommie's desire to continue to advocate and fight for the rights of disabled people ... just as soon as she calms down and can, once again, articulate like a human adult with manners.  "Mommie!!  Come here!!  Lie down ... NOW!! ... good girl!!"


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