Woo hoooo hooo hooo hooooo … I found something that makes the frustration of RSD pale in comparison!!! Writer’s Block!! I have been sitting at my computer for the better part of 5 hours, scanning through my RSD groups and pages to find the hot topics of the day, and finally realizing, “Man oh man, we bitch a LOT!!” (sorry Mom, I had to!!) Granted, life has dealt us a crappy hand with this bat rastard of a disease, but still … wow!! (and I am not amazed in a “good” way!!) So today, I am challenging all of my RSD friends to not bitch for 4 days, and to find a way to turn the negative into something silly. Why 4 days?? Because on March 4, we can begin to march forth with a new outlook. Sounds crazy, no?? Well, consider the source ... but it really does work!! I’ve done it before and I’m sure I’ll have to do it again, at least 50-60 more times in my life. Living with RSD is brutal and depressing, but if we don’t make a conscious effort to watch our words and how we convey our pain, our Normies will cease to listen. Yes, misery loves company, but silliness is contagious. Since I’ve had some practice at this already, I’ll start, k???
For the last 2 days, my right foot and ankle have been in full flare, making mobility nearly impossible. I’ve been fighting off this full flare for 9 days and it would appear that I lost the battle. But did I really?? Nope!! I just had to do some things differently. Since I couldn’t let my foot touch anything, I crawled on my hands and knees to get to the bathroom and kitchen. Since I couldn’t stand up to cook dinner, I linked my arm around a kitchen chair leg as I crawled to the kitchen, stood up, and put my right knee on the seat so that my foot hung off the end and touched nothing. I created my own version of Frosted Flakes out of boring Corn Chex. I put the bowl of cereal on the seat, got back on my hands and knees, linked my arm around the chair leg again, and crawled back to the table. And then I ate!!! Aaaaaand then I spewed milk out my nose as my imaginative brain took over and made a movie out of what that adventure must’ve looked like.
Just because we look pathetic, doesn’t mean that we have to be pathetic. Let’s make games out of the mundane, let’s put the “able” back in handicapable, let’s put the “fun” back in dysfunctional, let’s give ourselves the opportunities to giggle. Yes, we will have our bad days, and we will cry/scream/howl, but those days are only as “bad” as we allow them to be. Be a ham!! Put on a show!! Show the Normies that, although you have RSD, RSD does not have you. Be creative about it too!! Always take time to listen to your body, rest, recover, and rejuvenate, but don’t lose your sense of humor in the process. And then share those experiences on the social media sites!!!
I have faith that I will keep my sense of humor despite the pain. I have faith that a few of you will join me in marching forth on March 4th. And I have faith that I’ll get a few emails at havefaith_ 91@yahoo.com yelling at me for making them look bad, but I’ll also get a few emails asking me for suggestions on how to make some “chore” into a silly adventure. Being silly takes practice … so, dammit, PRACTICE, PEOPLE!!! Mad love to you all from the Crazy Cripple!!
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