I guess at some point I should mention that November (forevermore known to me as Nerve-ember) is RSD Awareness Month. If you're reading this blog, then I know you are already aware to some extent. Please do me a favor ... pimp me out to your friends and family members!! Help me make everyone aware!! I have been seeing orange ribbons all over Facebook and other social media this month and it has been fan-freakin-tastic!!! But ... I want to be able to reach out through my core network of friends to others who may have pain tricks of their own to share with me and others. The cost of meds, treatments and therapies are so damn expensive anymore that every little trick helps!! And ask me questions on here too, or tell me what works and what doesn't, bitch about your pain ... PLEASE!! RSDers, you are not alone!! RSD families, you are not alone!! RSD Angels (friends and caregivers), you are not alone!! I have a plethora of support to offer and so does my inner circle of family and caregivers. The more you know, the more you can help me make others aware!! RSD in an invisible illness. You might not know which of your friends has it and which ones don't ... unless you share and ask. A lot of sufferers are too ashamed to talk about their pain because they've been called hypochondriacs, liars, pain med addicts, etc ... it's humiliating!! Please reach out!!
Now, it is only mid Nerve-ember but I can say with the utmost certainty that COLD IS THE DEVIL!! Brrrrrrrrr ... freakin brrrrrrrrr!!! Just when I think I've finally warmed up some, I get this chill that just rattles my bones. I start shaking, my teeth start chattering and my RSD goes "ZZIIIIINNNNGGGG"!!! (the bat rastard!!) I shoulda known that when I woke up puking at 5 a.m., today was going to be rough. That's my flashing neon, warning sign. Attractive, no?? I look at it this way ... at least I have a warning sign!! Fortunately I've had a pretty firm grasp on my secret weapon today ... a good mood!! I fixed my phone all by myself, the other 2 Angels are doing some amazing things in the world today, I found a jar of homemade chicken noodle soup in the back of my freezer, I got a few answers to plaguing non-RSD questions, and I found an interviwee for my 1st "blog interview"!!! None of these great factors take away my pain, nor do they make the pain any more bearable. They do, however, keep me pleasantly focused on something other than the pain. Gotta love distractions, man, I'm tellin, ya!!
While everything that is keeping my spirits up are great, the best of these was finding the soup. On bad pain days I usually don't eat. Not only am I nauseous from the pain, but it's almost unbearable to stand up to cook. What sux the most about this is that I love to cook and I used to be pretty damn good at it. I owned my own catering business for a while and everything. Nowadays I have no one to cook for me on days like this except for me, and I may have lost a step or 2 in the kitchen over the last few years, but that's ok. I deal with it. (thank you Stouffer's) But I guaran-damn-tee you that I can't cook when I'm shaking and chattering and zziiiiiinnnngggg-ing and aching and my muscles are twitching. I can't always afford delivery, so pre-made meals are they way to go sometimes. This is one of those times. So I will sit here mummified in my soft electric blanket; and my loose, soft flare clothes; and my fluffy white socks with hearts on them; curled up with Kiva and a large cup of coffee while I wait for the soup to finish thawing.
Have faith, peeps ... tomorrow is a new day!!
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