Raising Awareness for RSD (and Ziggi's)

Raising Awareness for RSD (and Ziggi's)
The Power of Orange

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Prepping for the Way Back Weekend

So I've been taking some flack (ok, a lot of flack) about the sparsity of my blogs this summer.  In my defense, things have weird around here.  While I was sick with bronchitis, we had this "monsoon" type season here in Colorado.  The storms were blowing in and out of here like a 4 year old that just discovered the automatic doors at the grocery store.  And speaking of insanely cute toddlers (like the segue?) the Munchkins have been here all month!!  But this erratic weather caused a Vortex Flare in the lower half of my right leg.  (Vortex Flare - when one centralized spot on an appendage goes into muscle spasm and feels like there's a black hole inside the bone of that appendage that is sucking everything into it with more power than a Dyson vacuum.)  As my upper respiratory system began to heal, I realized that this "flare" in my leg was a little different this time.  It seems that every few years my RSD likes to remind me of it's diabolical existence by taking my baseline up a notch.  It happens.  I have to accept it.  I have to accommodate it.  I don't, however, have to like it.  So I called my doc and he upped my Ketamine nasal spray to a 4% solution.  If you've been paying attention, you know how much I dislike how K makes me feel, but I love the relief that my body gets ... and now I have to take more of it.  Watch me not do the Happy-Happy-Joy-Joy Dance.  And did I mention that the Munchkins are still in town?? ;)

In the winter and spring I would launch and crawl out of bed and to the coffee pot, crack open my eyes, and write a blog.  Nowadays it's roll over until gravity finds my feet, grab on to Kiva's collar to pull myself into a sitting position, prop my hands against the wall for balance and stand up ... ish.  I'm not entirely sure that "up" is the appropriate word since I started resembling the old woman from Sleeping Beauty more than Frankenstein.  But the Frankenstein Crawl still applies to how I manage to get to Bertha (my coffee pot).  Then I have to sit ... and stretch ... and allow my mind time to focus itself away from this crazy leg pain.  After I am finally a little more mobile, I have to go outside and water my veggies and fruits and flowers ... My new watermelon plant is looking fab, as is my new cucumber plant.  I've already sampled from my red bell pepper plant and also my green bean plant.  I'm a little disappointed in my tomato-growing skills though.  The first to sprout  had these funky brown spots on the bottoms of them, and just now I am starting to see 1 or 2 healthy ones turn red.  I planted them in a terrible spot.  They just aren't getting all of the sun that they need.  But now I know better for next year, right??

Yesterday I treated myself to a Spa Day, of sorts.  I went to the ColoAngel Spawn who chopped, come to find out, 4.5 inches off of my hair!!  I absolutely love my new easy-do!!  After that I met the Ginger Mama for mani/pedi's and some good laughs.  It was either all of that or a massage, and given the weekend with which I am faced, my hair and nails won out.  What's going on this weekend, you ask?  Well let me tell you ... This afternoon my family is having our annual Fam Pics taken by Auntie Marna (that's what the Munchkins call her and I love it because it's not really her name!!)  Tomorrow (Friday) is my "unofficial" 25th high school reunion.  Yes, I am that old.  And then on Saturday night it's the annual Cruise Night on Main Street.  Way back when, when I was in high school, and way before that even, Main Street in Longmont was the place to be on Friday and Saturday nights.  Some people would drag up and down the street for about 14 blocks, some would park their hot rods in the Big R parking lot with their hoods up, showing off their mad mechanic skills and motors, some guys would stand on street corners holding up hand made signs that said "Show Us Your Tits!!" to all of the females driving by.  (Let's just leave that one alone, shall we?)  Hell, there's even a family legend that says that, while in college, Dad (from Kansas) tracked Mom (from Longmont) down on Main Street during summer break.  But about 15-20 years ago, the cops pulled the plug on it because the kids were getting more and more stupid ... and dangerous.  So now we get 1 Saturday night a year to relive those old high school memories while dragging Main.  And I'm pretty sure that the last time that my hair was this short, was when I actually was in high school.  So I'm taking this Way Back Weekend to whole new level ... and fighting my pain singlehandedly!!  Hopefully I will find many reasons to have a natural smile on my face, but I've got my happy/no-pain mask ready, just in case.

So please forgive my inconsistencies in my blogging ventures.  I still have faith.  I have faith and hope in abundance right now.  I will get accustomed to my new "1" on the pain scale, I will see some fun ol' faces all weekend long, and I will give myself time to recover next week.  This is my life and this is how I have to live it.  Give and Take ... one spoon at a time!!

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