<dunt dunt duuuuuuun> One more day until my Ketamine nerve blocks!! I'm excited for how I will feel by the end of the weekend!! (yes, I realize it's only Tuesday) However, the anxiety that precedes the next 4 days is beginning to take it's toll on me. Even though my procedure only takes about 3 hours, recovering from all of the anesthesia and injection spots is rough, and my recovery rate isn't what it used to be (ugh). The good news in all of this is that my doc was able to authorize another refill of my Ketamine nasal spray (4%) yesterday and I was able to get 6 hours of normally interrupted sleep last night. I'll take it!! It's amazing how sleep can calm the nerves, isn't it? Today I will finish getting my house picked up (not cleaned, I don't have enough spoons), my elastic banded sweatpants, crazy socks, and uber-soft long sleeved shirts washed and dried (no folding or putting away ... again, not enough spoons.), and my sofa surfboard padded and prepped for my bony butt. HUGE shout-out to my ColoAngel for leaving her hubby's side for a night to come take care of me!! And another shout-out to my Jenn-Porn Dealer for offering to be our backup caretaker!! I really do have the best friends on the planet!!
But in bigger news ... 100 days until Crazy Sock Day 3!!!! Time for the Warrior Mama, the Penguin, the Sassy Warrior and myself to get to work!! Well ... sort of. First, we must brainstorm!! I went ahead and started a Facebook event page, 3rd Annual Crazy Sock Day, to get the ball rolling. (Feel free to join!!) I'm also thinking of starting an awareness community page for crazy socks. It will not, I repeat not be a support group page or a page where people can pose questions and share treatment options. This will strictly be an Awareness page where we can post pictures of socks year round to show how we're making this invisible illness visible. Trust me, if I do start the page, there will be absolutely NO drama allowed and all drama queens (and kings) will be booted if they try to make the page what it's not. <steps off soapbox>
If you, the few loyal readers of mine, have any suggestions for this year's event, please feel free to leave your suggestions in the comments below or send me a message on FB. Last year we doubled the participation of the 1st year. This year I hope to triple what we did last year.
We are also 16 days away from the start of RSD Awareness Month (November). Time to dust off your orange ribbons (and socks) and get the word out ... RSD EXISTS!!! Sheesh, what a busy fall and winter I have ahead of me!! But I am only 1 person (with multiple personalities, of course)!! I can't do this alone. I need help!! Your help!! Help me/us spread awareness for RSDers worldwide!! Wear orange, wear crazy socks, post your pics!! The more awareness we raise, the more funding we can get for research for a cure!!
I have faith that I will survive tomorrow and, hopefully, by Saturday, I will be ready to kick oostakaka and take names!! I have faith that CSD3 will be the biggest awareness event to date!! And I have faith that RSD Awareness Month will burn brightly with orange!! We will not go gently into that good night, we will rage against the dying of the light!! ... now, where'd I put my bullhorn??
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